Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wrong Person Identity

The Longmont Times-Call newspaper, in a story about one Charles "Mike" Beall, "Trees, politics, life passions for Beall" by Victoria A.F. Camron had this in it:

As a graduate student in Stockholm, Sweden, Mike Beall met Olaf Palme, who later was elected prime minister of Sweden in 1969.

Palme recruited 26 people, including Mike Beall, to fight Menachem Begin during the 1948 Israeli-Palestinian war. Palme wanted to avenge the Begin-led assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish United Nations mediator, Mike Beall told Flanders.

The war ended before the students could get to Israel, Mike Beall said.

The following letter was sent:

In the obituary of Charles “Mike” Beall ("Trees, politics, life passions for Beall", Oct. 3) it is stated that Olaf Palme recruited 26 people, including Mike Beall, to fight Menachem Begin during the 1948 Israeli-Palestinian war. Palme wanted to avenge the Begin-led assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish United Nations mediator.

Well, it is lucky that he didn't succeed.

Menachem Begin had nothing to do with that assassination. It was accomplished by the Stern Group, Lechi.
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